I know that it takes courage to admit that sometimes things are not ok, but with the help of others they may be. This post was a suggestion of @theharmonytribe who overcame eating disorders by daring to ask for help. You never have to deal with things on your own, doesn't matter how embarrassing or awkward it can feel, people that love you will WANT to be there for you just as you'd like to be there for them 💛 You can listen to Odette's story on my Youtube Channel or iTunes Podcast if you wish to know more about this, just look for Hello Fears on both platforms


@danigomezcastro suggested a post about courage being not settling for a job because of the pay and to keep looking for one that makes you happy and fulfilled. I decided to expand it to a few other things because you shouldn't settle for anything in life. Not for a job, but also not for a partner that you're not sure about, shitty 💩 relationships, the city you live in, the skills that you currently have, etc. Take a moment to reflect on your life situation, what about it you love and what are you not truly satisfied with? What's keeping you from leaving the life that you have to actually living the one that you want? Confusing? I know. Life is confusing and no one has the right answer, but we all have feelings. If something doesn't feel right, don't settle. Keep looking. Only then you will find it. I promise 🙏🏻✨ 


Today in the youtube channel we learned from @veroruizdelvizo the importance of turning your dreams into action to stand out from the rest. She considers herself a dreamer, but most importantly, a doer. 


So I had no idea what that was before living in NY but very quickly I had to find out. Turns out it's pretty normal to have a mouse 🐭 in your apartment. Just today we caught our second one since we moved to this building 3 years ago. Swipe ➡️ to see more things that make this city sort of uncomfortable to live in. So many people say they always wanted to live here, but only a few (million) brave do. I wanted to live here my entire life but I didn't have the courage to move by myself. It's not easy to live here but it's fuck*ng awesome tbh. So if you're one of those who "always wanted to live in NY" go for it. Again, it's not gonna be easy, but it's gonna be worth it. Mouse and all!


Post inspired by @adriherdan "Courage is standing in front of someone and telling them you love them." Do you still think guys should make the first approach? In fact, the other day I heard the sweetest story of a friend who proposed to her boyfriend. Luckily for her, the guy was going to do the same thing that night and had the ring in his pocket. By far my favorite proposal story 🙌🏼💛


According to @mariamenesest courage is putting yourself first. I know this may sound selfish, but just like in airplanes, you need to secure your oxygen mask first so you can then help your loved ones. So, are your needs being met? Are you listening to your body and your heart? Are you enjoying your day-to-day? If the answer is no, think about all the things you can do to improve your quality of life. If you're happy you will not only be able to help others in the best way, but you will also serve as an example to those around you. Remember, happiness can be contagious. There's always something we can do to change our current mood/situation, the problem is that it may take courage to get there


This has been so much fun I think I will keep going after day 100! Double tap if you agree! 🙌🏼✨ Today's courage definition was suggested by my husband, Adam. Have you heard of the "impostor syndrome"? It's something that high-achievers feel when they doubt their own strengths and potential. We've all experienced it at some point, but the important thing is to understand that we each have our own journeys, our own speed and our own way of doing things. So try to avoid comparing yourself to others (I know, I know, easier said than done) and start owning what makes you different. You're no better or worse. You are doing your best and you will get what you want, sooner or later. So keep going and looking forward, not to the sides!


If you've been following me for a while you know that approaching strangers is one of my biggest fears, even if it's to say something nice. So when @nicolenikig said that "Courage is to compliment a stranger on the subway" I immediately could relate to that comment. I wonder why is this so hard? So many times I feel like saying something to someone else about her shoes, makeup, hair, style, and I don't! Any advice on how to give that step??? 


This weekend take some time to write a list of the things that make YOU remarkable. Thank you @veseto777 for reminding us that this not only takes courage but also self-awareness to understand that we are enough 💪🏼✨ Proud of you


When I was in high school I used to rely a lot on my friends to stand up for me when bullied. I felt so lucky to have them, but I was also very comfortable and never thought of doing something about it. When I went to college I had a terrible roommate and no one to stand up for me. I never tried to stand up for myself, I was too afraid. Now I wonder, afraid of what? What ended up happening is that instead of resenting her, I ended up resenting myself for allowing my fears to get in the way. After that experience I promised myself I was never going to allow that to happen again. I now challenge myself everytime that I can to speak up, stand up for myself and get the things I want to get. I hate confrontation and honestly it is still one of my biggest fears, but the feeling of resenting myself is way worse than the one I get before I confront someone else. Any advice on this?


According to @lishacorn "Courage is knowing what matters to you and telling others." This comment inspired me to not only do a video about my thoughts on the words 'fearless' and 'brave' but to actually do something about it. Let me tell you something, starting a petition is freaking scary!!!! But I took that as a sign that I should do it even more, because anyways, what's the BEST that could happen?

Now I need your help! Here you can watch the video and sign the petition!


▪️015▪️According to @babs_bm "Courage is to leave your comfort zone and what's safe for you, to take an adventure into the unknown and towards an unpredictable future." She then added a bunch of 😁😁😁, so I'm guessing it went better than expected (as it usually happens). Our mind plays tricks on us, making us believe the worst is going to happen if we choose the unknown path. Only those who have chosen it know that the unknown is the best path of them all. It is filled with lessons, surprises and stories to remember for a lifetime. What's courage for you? 🙌🏼


@jearnal "Courage is sharing with the world my story of struggle with depression" - I recently made a video for my YouTube channel about my thoughts on social media, and one thing I mentioned is that we're too used to only seeing the good side of people's lives instead of the whole picture. This makes others feel like if their life is not good enough. I'm a big supporter of those who decide to get vulnerable and share their struggle with the world. I not only admire their courage but also their will to help others with their personal story. This is a big reason why I launched hellofears.com where anyone can get inspired by anyone. I challenge you to share your story with us and be a source of inspiration to others


"Courage is to leave your own country and open your heart and mind to a new one."–@pattytato. I could relate to this so much since I left my country 🇻🇪 10 YEARS AGO! Wow, I literally just realized it's been 10 years since I left as I write this post. Little did I know everyone I knew (at least 70% of the people) were going to leave as well, sooner or later. Now, if I want to visit my family I need to travel all over the 🌎. It takes a lot of courage to immigrate and the older you are, the harder. But, as @pattytato said, it is not only about leaving your own country but to open you mind and ❤️ to a new one. I'm grateful to the 🇺🇸 for opening its doors for me and my family. 

ES: "Valentia es dejar tu pais y abrirle tu mente y tu corazon a uno nuevo." Me relacioné demasiado con esto ya que yo deje mi país 🇻🇪 hace ya 10 AÑOS! Literalmente acabo de caer en cuenta que ya van 10 años en este instante. Jamás me imaginé que todos, o casi todos mis conocidos dejarían el país después. Ahora si quiero visitar a mi familia basicamente tengo que viajar por todo el 🌎. Toma mucha valentía emigrar y entre más tarde lo hagas, más difícil. Pero como dijo @pattytato no se trata solo de dejar tu país si no de abrirle la mente y el corazón ❤️ a uno nuevo. Estoy muy agradecida con 🇺🇸 por abrirnos sus puertas, a mi y a mi familia.


@ahealthygirlsguide says that even though she got her 200-hour yoga certification, she still can't do many of the poses or be as flexible as she'd like to be. But that doesn't stop her from pushing herself and keep trying every single time. As they say, perfect is the enemy of good. She is now posting about her yoga progress on her Instagram page if you want to get inspired by her personal journey 🙏🏻


Society trained us to always answer "good, and you?" to the one question we get everyday "How are you?" But, why? Even during our worst most crappy days we fool ourselves and others by saying that we are good. Is there something wrong if things are not good or perfect? One thing is to fool others and try to hide how we really feel, but another one is to fool ourselves, because in that case we will NEVER be able to change our situation. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself "Hey! How are you?" Now, have an honest conversation with yourself. Try to be as transparent and as vulnerable as possible. And if you are not "good" then, be honest about what's holding you back from genuine happiness and FREAKING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. We own our lives and absolutely no one else will make it better, change starts from within. That simple. 


I used to care so much about what others thought of me that I would NEVER leave the house without makeup, blow dried hair, nice clothes and heels (when necessary). After moving to NY, little by little I started to care less about what "others thought" and more about how I felt. Today, I care very little if I'm disappointing others with my look. I'm very confident going out without any makeup and dressed in whatever clothes I felt like wearing that day. By doing so, I started to develop my own style which I was not able to do before; I was so concerned about pleasing others that I had no time to explore what I liked 🙋🏼! Next time you dress up, ask yourself: who am I trying to impress? Make sure the answer is "Myself" and I'll send you a virtual high five 🖐🏼! 


3 years ago I was living in Miami, next to my family and my friends, working in advertising and married to the love of my life.

We had two options: use our savings to buy a house and start a family, or.. turn the steering wheel 180 degrees, use our savings to move to NY and follow my dreams and my heart.

Sounds like an obvious decision now, but it was not easy to go against what all my friends were doing and choose a completely different path.

Many thought I was crazy and questioned my decision, many still think I'm crazy for doing what I'm doing. But I understood I had different needs and priorities and I decided to follow my own expectations, not society's.

Choosing a traditional path can be great too, if that's what your heart desires, but if deep down you want something else, don't be afraid to make that decision, it's what will bring you joy and fulfillment, even though others may not fully understand it.

Today, I'm in Miami for Passover, and it feels weird to be surrounded by so many babies and mortgages, mostly now that I'm about to go nomad for a few months (or more). But, it's a good kind of weird. A weird that tells me I'm doing the right thing, at least for me :)


It's too easy to say "forget about it, it will never happen" and do nothing about it. It's hard to stay positive, to believe there is a way and to contribute even in a very small way. But it is worth it. My fellow Venezuelans are in the streets, fighting against dictatorship because there is still hope. After 18 years we believe we can get it back, and that is the first step to do something about it. Extremely proud and inspired by the people who are right now fighting for our freedom. My ♥️ is in Venezuela

🇻🇪 "Coraje es ser optimista en los tiempos mas oscuros" Es demasiado fácil decir: Olvídalo, jamás saldremos de esta, y continuar con nuestras vidas. Lo dificil es estar positivo, creer que hay un camino y hacer algo al respecto (así sea algo pequeño). Por qué? Porque vale la pena. Los Venezolanos que siguen en mi país estan hoy en las calles, luchando contra la dictadura, llenos de esperanza. Después de 18 años tenemos fé que podemos recuperar el país, y ese es el primer paso para hacer algo al respecto. Estoy demasiado orgullosa e inspirada por aquellos que hoy luchan por la libertad. Mi ♥️ está en Venezuela


I think this is one of the things that requires courage the most, to admit you made a mistake and actually do something about it. We can all do something to change the situation we are in, the question is, are you willing to disappoint others in the process? At the end, this is YOUR life and you only get one chance to live it to the fullest. What would you do if you weren't afraid to disappoint others?