For some this takes no courage at all, for other's this would not even be a possibility. I would never speak up whenever I wasn't satisfied with my meal, I would blame it on myself for choosing the wrong thing or not being specific enough and move on. Now, I realized that It only takes a few words to ask for what we do want and we will get it, not always, but most of the times we will. Like Oprah once said "You get in life what you have the courage to ask for." This is 100% true and on point. I'm so glad I learned this early in life πŸ™πŸ» -- Start practicing this and little by little you will realize you never have to settle ever again for things that don't make you happy (This not only applies to drinks and meals of course!) 


Would you pack your bags, pick a destination you've always wanted to visit and buy a round trip ticket just for yourself? Would you dare to spend a few days just listening to your own thoughts, enjoying your own company and experiencing life by yourself? Sounds like an amazing (but terrifying) plan, I must do this! 😬πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ™‹πŸΌ 


The other day a friend was telling me how she saw a man touching inappropriately a woman in a crowded subway. She was frustrated and mad at herself that she didn't have the courage to stand up for her. Gladly, the woman stood up for herself. And my friend promised herself she was never going to allow something like that to happen ever again in her eyes. Would you stand up for someone else?


"Compassionate people establish boundaries, which keeps them out of resentment. How can others value our words when we dont value ourselves enough to put bundaries?" ✨ I recently heard @brenebrown talk about this on her book Rising Strong. I have a hard time putting boundaries because it takes courage to do so. But from now on, I challenge myself to not only establish boundaries but to value and respect my word. She also mentioned "People treat us based on how they see we treat ourselves" OMG, #gold seriously. Any advice on how to put boundaries fearlessly? 


Last month I started following designer Cristina Vanko and her @100daysofadulting project and loved everything about it. I thought about letting her know I exist and that she has a new fan, but then I was like "What if she doesn't care? I mean, why would she?" I finally got over my fear and reached out! 

Turns out we have so much in common and she was down to get to know me as well! 

We connected, became internet friends and she sent me her awesome book which I absolutely love πŸ™ŒπŸΌ! 

The point is, it takes courage to reach out to people you admire, but try to find out how can you add value to them as well and offer your help or friendship. 

I recently heard the saying "you are the result of the 5 people you surround yourself with." That day I started expanding my network by reaching out to people that I not only would like to collaborate with but I would enjoy having as a friend.



Seriously, WTF am I doing??? Am I crazy enough to embark on a new 100-day project? Heck yeah!

Starting today, every day I will post a different situation that represents what courage means to me. From launching a new project to giving a compliment to a stranger.

This is a double fear because I will not only challenge myself to start another 100-day project, but I will attempt to illustrate all of these posts myself! Huge fear!!!!

Wish me luck!