When I graduated from high school I wanted to travel for a year to Paris to study French. There was only one problem, no one else wanted to do the same thing I wanted. Some friends wanted to go to Florence to learn Italian, others to Israel and others to London. In that moment, I scratched my dream and decided to stay in Venezuela. At least Adam was there. Until, he wasn't. Just a few months after I graduated, he had the opportunity to transfer to the University of Florida, and I stayed in Venezuela, by myself, no friends and no boyfriend. In that moment, I knew that I needed that to happen as a lesson that I should've chosen the uncomfortable path, what I now call, the growth path. Do I regret not traveling to Paris by myself? I do. They say the only things we regret are the ones we didn't do. When you choose comfort the universe is not going to support you and make things easy for you. You have no idea how many stories I've heard of people who hated their jobs but decide to stay regardless, because of comfort, and then, when they least expected it, they got fired. That is not bad luck or bad performance. That, my friend, is the Universe saying: if you don't get uncomfortable, we will get you uncomfortable. In that case, getting fired is a blessing. But why wait till that point? Let's start making growth choices by ourselves. Because when you do, the universe will have your back ✨