When I was in middle school I struggled to make friends at first. I knew who I wanted to be friends with but I had no idea how to get their attention or start a conversation. One day, I decided to get over my fear and give the first step, approach them, share my secrets with them, invite them over to do cool stuff and without even noticing I created a lifelong relationship with them. I wish I would've done those things earlier. But now you can! 

Special thanks to my friends for helping me with this video! I'm beyond grateful to have you in my life.

W E E K L Y  C H A L L E N G E

This week, share a secret with a friend, something you never told anyone before, or at least, not your friends. This will bring you two closer than ever and strengthen your relationship. Then, ask her to share a secret with you if she wants to be part of this.


* G I V E A W A Y *

  1. On Instagram: Post a picture of you and the friend you shared the secret with, include a message about real friendship in the caption. If your friend shares a picture with you, you both will get a diary! – In the caption make sure to mention @hellofears and use the hashtags #hellofears and #hfbff
  2. On Youtube: write a comment with one advice to make new friends so you can help others! – include your Instagram handle as well!

L A S T  W E E K ' S  W I N N E R

Sarah @s.cowell

Sarah @s.cowell